What factors affect the crushing of grinding beads in sand mill

What factors affect the crushing of grinding beads in sand mill?

As an important equipment in industrial production, the core component of sand mill grinding beads plays a vital role in the grinding process. However, in practice, the crushing of grinding beads occurs from time to time, which not only affects the grinding efficiency, but also may cause damage to the equipment. In this paper, we will discuss the causes of grinding beads crushing in sand mills from various angles and propose corresponding solutions.
sand mill
First of all, from the point of view of the structure and performance of the equipment itself, the crushing of sand mill grinding beads may be affected by the following factors:
1. Dispersing disk problem: Dispersing disk is an important part in sand mill, which is used to disperse materials and control the grinding process. However, loose, reverse mounted, cracked or sharp edges of the dispersing disk may lead to abnormal impact and abrasion of the grinding beads during the grinding process, which may lead to breakage. Therefore, regular inspection and maintenance of the condition of the dispersing disk to ensure its normal operation is one of the key measures to reduce grinding bead crushing.
2. Separation device problem: The separation device of the sand mill is mainly used to separate the finished grinding material from the grinding beads. However, if the dynamic screen ring is chipped or the screen is broken, the grinding media may pass directly through the separator into the feed pump, causing the pump to crush the grinding beads before it clogs or stops. Therefore, keeping the separator unit intact and clean and replacing broken screens in a timely manner are important measures to prevent grinding bead crushing.
3. Feed Pump Problem: The feed pump is responsible for feeding material into the grinding chamber in a sand mill. If the pump is suddenly turned off, the pressure inside the sand mill may backpressurize the grinding beads in the pump, and when the pump is started again, these backpressurized grinding beads may be crushed. To avoid this, consider installing a check valve at the feed pump to reduce the impact of pressure on the grinding beads. At the same time, regular cleaning of the feed pump to keep its interior clean is also an effective means of preventing the grinding beads from crushing.
In addition to the problems of the equipment itself, the production operation aspects may also lead to the crushing of grinding beads. For example:
1. the problem of mixed use of beads: in practice, sometimes in order to improve the grinding efficiency, the use of different particle size grinding beads will be mixed. However, although this practice may improve the grinding efficiency in the short term, in the long term, the large beads may wear out the small beads, leading to deformation or even breakage of the small beads. Therefore, to avoid this situation, grinding beads with uniform particle size should be used as much as possible to ensure the stability and high efficiency of the grinding process.
2. Slurry viscosity problem: The viscosity of the slurry also has some influence on the crushing of grinding beads. If the slurry viscosity is too thin, it may lead to the accumulation of grinding beads in the grinding chamber and direct contact with the wear parts, thus accelerating the wear and breakage of grinding beads. On the contrary, if the slurry viscosity is too high, the grinding efficiency may be affected. Therefore, controlling the viscosity of the slurry in the appropriate range is one of the important measures to reduce the crushing of grinding beads.
3. Material flow problem: the speed of material flow is also an important factor affecting the crushing of grinding beads. If the material flow rate is too fast, it may lead to the accumulation of grinding beads at the outlet, thus increasing the wear of grinding beads and sand mill fittings and accelerating the crushing. In order to avoid this situation, you can use the intermittent start method to loosen the backlog of grinding beads and redistribute them evenly, and then adjust the material flow to the appropriate range.
To summarize, the sand mill grinding beads crushed for a variety of reasons, which may arise from the structure and performance of the equipment itself, but also may be related to improper operation in the process of production and operation. Therefore, in the actual application, we need to comprehensively consider various factors and take targeted measures to reduce the breakage of grinding beads. This includes regular inspection and maintenance of equipment, the use of grinding beads of uniform particle size, control of slurry viscosity and material flow. Through the implementation of these measures, we can effectively improve the grinding efficiency and service life of the sand mill, providing more stable and efficient support for industrial production.

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